Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Good morning!!!

Feeling really tired today :( trying to wake my self up with another coffee when I am waiting for Marcus to be ready for school.

Don't have any plans for today, have a parent-teacher interview booked in tonight.

Well time to do Marcus lunchbox, it is not like it is in Sweden, here you have to buy your lunch or take something with you.

Take care

Tuesday, 19 October 2010


Mmmmm.... instead of just going from A to B I took a detour :) I went to the Superstore all by my self.... twice :)

I am not so familiar with the streets here...yet!!! it is just numbers everywhere :p

but it all went well I didn't got lost at all.

Now I am baking some banana bread... have to use my new bread maker.

Well, soon it's time for me to pick Marcus up from school, he is in a school not far away from here at all.

That's all for now :)
Take care


Well now we are in Canada, we are living in a town just outside Vancouver called Delta.

Swedish as I am we had to go to IKEA :), it's funny how it looks like home, and yes they have Kalles Kaviar :) so now there is one tube in my fridge.

They also have Swedish meatballs and other things so when ever I feel homesick I can just go there and have a piece of Sweden.